For my Senior Seminar project at Muskingum University, I chose to make commercials for The Fieldhouse. This organization is a sports and wellness complex in Zanesville, OH that focuses on the family aspect at its core and being able to help anyone in any shape or size.
I worked with Alainna Durfee, owner of The Fieldhouse, to create the commercials that she desired to have most. These commercials were aimed towards getting new people informed on what The Fieldhouse is, what they have to offer as a facility, and what they stand for as a group.
I was responsible for all production roles in the making of the commercials as I was the only student in the seminar at the time. This included getting interviews from Fieldhouse guest/faculty, videography/photography, voice overs, and editing. For editing purposes, I used Avid Media Composer and Adobe Audition for editing audio/music.
Below I have posted links to both individual commercials.