My Internship Experience
My internship over the course of the Fall 2021 semester took place with the office of Strategic Marketing & Communications at Muskingum University. I went in wanting to improve my photography skills as well as my talents in videography such as editing with different programs. Overall, I was able to come out a totally different person than when I entered. I feel my photography skills are the best they’ve ever been and I can thank it to the people who helped me at the office. Shown below are some of my favorite projects that I partook in and this page serves as a reflection in what I was able to accomplish during my tenure with the internship.
Muskie Happenings
This is the design of the “Muskie Happenings” layout that was used by the office to communicate weekly events happening on campus. It started out as the “Muskie Memento”, but was eventually switched to the latter name. I designed this using Canva and using feedback from other members of the internship. It was used twice before the semester ended on the official Muskingum University Instagram page.
Muskingum Alumni Homecoming Video
This was my first video project with the internship and took place on Sept. 27, 2021. I was in charge of taking all the video seen and editing it together using Adobe Premiere Pro. Muskingum graphics seen were later added by Mr. Rzodkiewicz.
Wind Ensemble Photoshoot
These photos took place on Sep. 20, 2021 and were of the Muskingum Wind Ensemble practicing for an upcoming show. This was my first photography assignment for the internship and was a huge help in me understanding the basics of my camera and photo editing. Out of around 60-70 photos that I took, these were the 13 favorite ones that I had. This gallery also serves as the beginning of what would come and shows how much I was able to grow over the course of the semester.
TV Practicum Photos
I took these photos of the TV Practicum on Nov. 3, 2021. I was personally interested in the practicum for a few projects that I was currently doing and I used this opportunity to double dip. The practicum at the time was filming a Spiderman skit for their upcoming production for the semester and I had been allowed to photograph the experience. Some of my favorite photos came from this shoot and I think the contrasting colors make them pop more than others. Here are 17 of my favorite photos from the November shoot:
Weekly BHWC Project
During the semester, I was assigned to weekly take photos of the upcoming Henry D. Bullock Wellness Complex(BHWC). I took hundreds of photos of this particular building over the semester and you can see how not only my skills changed, but so did the building. This serves as a cool behind the scenes of how the complex has changed over the past few months. Below are 20 of what I believe to be the best BHWC photos that I’ve taken.
These portrait photos are of my internship advisor, Oscar Rzodkiewicz. I took these to practice this type of photography for interviews and news stories as headshots are a common form of photos taken of people. These photos presented me with the challenge of what would make these look unique compared to others and having to fight lighting when editing them as the windows in the background gave me problems.